Speech Synthesis Toolkits Introduction

About TTS (Text to Speech)

The first thing is about text analysis process

  • Word division, annotation, lexical annotation, rhyme prediction, etc.
  • Representation of normalized transcripts as phoneme-level text features
  • The length M of text features is only related to the transcript itself, not to the speech duration.

We are usually talk about the stastical Speech Synthesis. After we doing the text analysis, we will just get into the acoustic generation part.

Duration Model

The input will be the HMM output labels and transform into one-hot features, along with the statistical features.

Output will be the phone duration and the time of the states. In HMM, we will get a frame level alignment.

Acoustic Model

The input will be the frame level info, the output will be the spectrum params, the f0, along with the vowels, and consonants. After feeding those params into the vocoder, we will get the speech.

For every statistical model, the most important parts can be: the acoustic model, and vocoder.

Acoustic Generation

HMM based acoustic model

Text Analysis

Here the text shows the start time and end time of the phone starts and stops. The start time and end time is from the HMM model alignment. And in decoding part we can decode the time for each phone.


NN(seq2seq, end2end) based acoustic model - Tactron

Text Analysis

And this is the full information to show how each phone’s prodacy infomation. That is how it different from the HMM model since it does not need to really record all the starting point and ending point of each phone. Thats the core difference between the previous model and latest way.

The Prodoty Text Trainning Corpus

In tactron, we can just use the CBHG to do the pre-decoding, to learn the all textual information for the trainning text corpus, like grammar or semantic information.

There are the basic components in Tactron.

2017. Wang et.al. - Tacotron: Towards end-to-end speech synthesis.

The input text will be the English sentences, for Chinese will just be the Chinese phones. It will use the Mel filter to get the Mel charactersitics.

Tacotron Training

Implementing CBHG Encoder in Tacotron

The Tacotron model based on attention mechanism includes two parts, encoder and decoder with attention mechanism, and this assignment only needs to implement the CBHG-based encoder part.


Based on 10 hours of Chinese data open-sourced by Beibei Technology, we provide the processed text features and packaged them together with the audio files to Baidu.com, download link.

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xC0fNwDvJWpJdqnfqNAzMg Password: tgtp

In the tacotron directory in testdata, we also provide some data from this database directly to test the process.


First execute pip install -r requirement.txt to install the required environment, which is also the test environment for this job.

Due to the large number of parameters in this network, it is recommended to use a server with a GPU for training tests.


First, in the egs/example directory, run bash preprocess.sh 4 to extract features from the text and speech data in the target testdata.

After the feature extraction, run bash train.sh to train the model. The error is in models/basic_model.py, which is where we need to implement the CBHG encoder part of Tacotron.

Once the CBHG implementation is complete, training can be performed directly.

After the training is complete, a synthesis script is written to test it, modeled after egs/example/synthesis.sh. Since the attention mechanism used at this point is the most primitive attention mechanism mentioned in the code explanation, the convergence performance and effect are poor. In the next assignment we will implement a more stable Tacotron system.

Traditional TTS model Training Demo(duration model, acoustic model)

Text features -> duration model -> acoustic model -> world vocoder -> audio

1、Download data, configure environment

Download data

Data link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_zN-PSIIrxtCGvjo1TWz1g

Extraction code: jbc5

Unzip the train_data folder

Data link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i28ZppgWYHIupk8piH7SyQ

Extraction code: mvkj

Configure environment (Python 3.6 Tensorflow 1.12)

Install python package

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are slow to install, you can use whl to install

tensorflow 1.12 whl package: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WCOyFhszJnHHtIMWBq0sxQ

Extraction code: r73i

2. Normalize data

Normalize the duration and acoustic input and output data to get the train_cmvn_dur.npz and train_cmvn_spss.npz files in cmvn.

bash bash/prepare.sh

3. Write the model

Complete the AcousticModel and DurationModel model definition section in model.py

The model inputs are inputs and input_length, and the predicted results are targets

inputs are the input features, input_length is the first dimension of inputs, targets is the prediction result

Inputs and outputs

inputs.shape = [seq_length, feature_dim]

input_length = seq_length

target.shape = [seq_length, target_dim]

The input feature_dim of the time-length model is 617 dimensions, which represents the text feature.

The target_dim of the output of the duration model is 5 dimensions, which represents the state duration information of each phoneme

The input of the acoustic model has a feature_dim of 626 dimensions, which represents the text features and the position features of the frame

The output of the acoustic model has a target_dim of 75 dimensions, which represents the acoustic features of the target audio (lf0,mgc,bap)

Task description

Write the model to predict the output targets based on the input inputs

4. Training

Train the duration model

bash bash/train_dur.sh

Train the acoustic model

bash bash/train_acoustic.sh

The training model results are saved in logdir_dur and logdir_acoustic respectively

The total number of training steps, checkpoint steps, etc. can be modified in hparams.py. The model convergence can be judged by the loss curve and the effect of test synthesis, not necessarily by the total number of steps run.

the loss function curve by tensorborad

tensorboard --logdir=logdir_dur

Open browser to view local port 6006

5. Test synthesis

The predicted output of the duration model is in output_dur (as input to the acoustic model)

The predicted result of the acoustic model is in output_acoustic (lf0, bap, mgc folders for the corresponding features generated, according to which the audio in syn_wav is synthesized by the world vocoder)

<checkpoint> Fill in the path of the model obtained by training

1. Test the acoustic model (using real duration data)

The first parameter of the test script is the input label path, the second parameter is the output path, and the third parameter is the trained model path (e.g.: logdir_acoustic/model/model.ckpt-2000)

bash bash/synthesize_acoustic.sh test_data/acoustic_features output_acoustic <checkpoint>

2. Test duration model + acoustic model (use the output of the duration model as input to the acoustic model)

bash bash/synthesize_dur.sh test_data/duration_features output_dur <checkpoint
bash bash/synthesize_acoustic.sh output_dur output_acoustic <checkpoint>

The final synthesized voice is in output_acoustic/syn_wav


Source Filter Vocoder: Use World as an example

Source Filter Vocoder made use of the source filter theory. There has some open-resource vocoders like:

HTS Vocoder

Griffin-Lim Vocoder: Converst Mel Spectogram into the speech audio file.

Staright: https://github.com/shuaijiang/STRAIGHT http://www.isc.meiji.ac.jp/~mmorise/straight/english/introductions.html

World: https://github.com/mmorise/World

World is a very popular and latest open resource vocoder project on github. WORLD corresponds to the following three acoustic characteristics: F0 fundamental frequency (F0基频), SP spectral envelope(SP频谱包络) and AP non-periodic sequence (AP非周期序列).

The lowest frequency sine wave of the original signal composed of sine waves is the fundamental frequency.

Spectral envelope is the envelope obtained by connecting the highest points of amplitudes of different frequencies by a smooth curve.

The non-periodic sequence corresponds to the non-periodic pulse sequence of the mixed excitation part.

Install the World

git clone

git clone https://github.com/xiao11lam/TTS.git
cd TTS/03_spss/tools


cd tools
bash compile_tools.sh

The compilation process may take a while, so please be patient and get the tools/bin folder after compiling


copy synthesis

Synthesize syn.wav with world vocoder based on input test.wav

Extract f0, sp, ap from test.wav using world, then synthesize copy_synthesize/16k_wav_syn/000001.resyn.wav based on the extracted features

Sample rate 16k

bash copy_synthesize/copy_synthesis_world_16k.sh

sample rate 48k

Modify on the basis of copy_synthesis_world_16k.sh, you can modify parameters as input and output paths (wav_dir\out_dir), sample rate fs, mcsize, etc

(optional) melspectrogram copy synthesis

Synthesize syn_mel.wav from input test.wav via griffinlim

Extract the melspectrogram of test.wav using world, then synthesize copy_synthesize/syn_mel.wav based on the extracted melspectrogram features

python copy_synthesize/copy_synthesis_mel.py copy_synthesize/16k_wav/000001.wav

NN based Vocoder

Tacotron TTS


Tacotron Hands-on

Clone the code


Or we can clone here:


ESPNET Text to Speech

Install ESPNET

conda create --name espnet

Speech Synthesis Toolkits Introduction
Xiao Zhang
Posted on
August 25, 2022
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